Monday 26 November 2007

On Human Life

In flipping through this blog I notice that there is nothing from Archbishop Chaput. Here's a wonderful pastoral letter he wrote on Humanae vitae some years ago. Thank God for the Archbishop--his faithfulness has been a real encouragement. Here's a snippet:
Sooner or later, every pastor counsels someone struggling with an addiction. Usually the problem is alcohol or drugs. And usually the scenario is the same. The addict will acknowledge the problem but claim to be powerless against it. Or, alternately, the addict will deny having any problem at all, even if the addiction is destroying his or her health and wrecking job and family. No matter how much sense the pastor makes; no matter how true and persuasive his arguments; and no matter how life-threatening the situation, the addict simply cannot understand -- or cannot act on -- the counsel. The addiction, like a thick pane of glass, divides the addict from anything or anyone that might help.

One way to understand the history of Humanae Vitae is to examine the past three decades through this metaphor of addiction. I believe the developed world finds this encyclical so hard to accept not because of any defect in Paul VI's reasoning, but because of the addictions and contradictions it has inflicted upon itself, exactly as the Holy Father warned.

1 comment:

Paul C said...

The Archbishop is a true beacon in the fog. He is wonderfully pastoral, while at the same time, faithfully speaking the truth about matters that others in similar positions might sidestep or moderate when politically expedient. May God bless his ministry.